Tier Template Setup


The Tier Template Setup screen can be accessed from the Setup button on any WinTeam Report screen that uses Tiers, provided the proper security rights are set up. The Tier Templates can be used to set up, save, and delete templates for tiered reports. This tool makes it easy to ensure that your reports are created with the same criteria each time a tiered report is run. Defaults can be setup for each template that are specific for a user, screen, or both. For more information, see Using Tier Pattern Templates.

Tier Template Setup screen

Related Information

Key Functionality

Requery button

Click Requery to refresh the grids after changes have been made.

Templates grid

The Templates grid is used for reviewing, sharing, editing, and deleting existing templates.

Template Name

Displays the name assigned to the template.

Date Created

Displays the date the template was created.

Created By

Displays the User Name of the person who created the template.

Date Last Used

Displays the date the template was last used. This will help you manage the use of your templates.

Is Screen Default

Displays the number of times the template is used as a Default Template (as specified in the Template Screen Defaults grid).

Template Screen Defaults grid

The Template Screen Defaults grid is used for the assignment of default templates to screens and/or users. You may add, update, and delete default information in this grid.

Default Template

The Default Template name is required and you must have at least a Screen name or User name assigned to the record.


Select/assign a screen to a Default Template.


Select/assign a User to a Default Template.