Reviewing unapplied cash

Unapplied cash is any money received from a customer that is not associated with an invoice. For example, a customer may make a payment that does not match any particular outstanding invoice amount(s), nor indicate for what the payment is intended. While the check may be deposited immediately and recorded in WinTeam, it may take you more time to discern how to apply the payment. Until it may be applied appropriately, WinTeam accounts for the unapplied cash on accounts receivable reports. Use this procedure to review unapplied cash:

On the Accounts Receivable navigation pane select Payments.

Click the Unapplied Payments button.

  1. On the WinTeam Menu, click Accounts Receivable, and then click Payments.
  2. Click the Unapplied Cash button.
  3. The Unapplied Cash Details screen displays. You can view unapplied cash amounts for all customers that have unapplied cash.
  4. To select a customer, click anywhere on a customer record and click the Select button. The Unapplied Cash Details screen closes, returning you to the Cash Posting screen, which now displays the customer's outstanding invoice details.
  5. To apply cash to a customer's invoice, see Applying Unapplied Cash.