AR: Invoice Adjustment Tracker


You can track and record Adjustment details related to an Accounts Receivable Invoice line item.

Access the Invoice Adjustment Tracker from the Accounts Receivable Invoices screen by clicking the Adjustment Tracker symbol that appears after each line item in the Invoice Details grid.

Key Functionality

The Date field defaults to the current date.

Reason and Source are both required fields. Double-click in either field to open a standard Add/Edit List.

Selecting the Chargeable check box only marks the record in the database.

The Notes field is for additional information not covered in the other fields.

After saving the record, you can hover over the blue Change Information icon in the upper-right corner to display information saved into the database.

On the Accounts Receivable Invoices screen in the Invoice Details grid, the green flag on the Invoice Line Item turns to a red flag if there has been an adjustment made to the Invoice.