AR: Lockbox


WinTeam's Accounts Receivable Lockbox program was designed to keep payments (cash posting) current, and to assist with daily deposits by providing an interface from a bank's records to WinTeam. To use Lockbox, users must have the screen security. User(s) that have this security may access the Lockbox screen from the WinTeam Accounts Receivable menu.

Key Functionality

Custom Settings





Lockbox AllowShortPays Yes This setting allows invoices from the file to update even if it is a short (partial) payment. The notes column displays "Partial Payment" and shows remaining amount due on the invoice.
Lockbox AllowOverPays Yes This setting allows invoices from the file to update even if the payment amount exceeds the invoice amount. The notes field displays the term "overpayment". The overpayment is displayed on the "Unapplied Cash being imported into WinTeam" section of the report.
Lockbox CombineSameInvoices Yes This custom setting allows for more than one payment to be applied to the same invoice. With this setting the payments are combined into one row.
Lockbox CreateBatch Yes This setting creates a temporary batch ID number.

Note:  The temporary batch ID number is not saved or locked down. Users cannot see it in Show all Batches or in the AR Payment wizard, also it is not under the Payment- Update to GL Batches criteria for selection.

Lockbox IncludeAdjustmentOnImport Yes This setting adds the following columns to the .csv lockbox import file:
  • Adjustment Type
  • Discount Amount
  • Job Number
If the imported file contains adjustment values that are greater than the limit set in AR Defaults error message is given for each record with an error.