AP: Updating Purchase Orders

You can use this procedure to track the status of your Purchase Orders. If a Purchase Order with an Open status has actually been Ordered, then the possibility exists that the item will be requested again. By updating the Status to Ordered, it is easier to locate the Purchase Order once the items are received.

  1. From the Accounts Payable Menu, select Purchase Orders.
  2. Enter the P.O. # or use the Find feature to locate the Purchase Order.
    • Click the Lookup button to open the Find Purchase Order screen.
    • Under Status, select Open, and click Search.
    • Select the Purchase Order you want to update, and then click OK.
      The selected Purchase Order displays.
  3. The Status currently is Open.
  4. Select Ordered in the Status list. All of the details of the Purchase Order that previously matched the old status of the main record will also be updated to Ordered.
  5. Click Close to save this record.