AP: Creating a Purchase Order

You can use Purchase Orders to enter requests for supplies or services. A Purchase Order does not have to be issued in order to create an invoice, but many companies require a Purchase Order before an invoice can be entered into the system for payment. The Purchase Order screen has several tabs of information available. Based on the Transaction Type, the tab focus and required fields vary. For a Purchase Order tab, focus is set to Vendor.

You can use this procedure to create a purchase order:

  1. On the WinTeam Main Menu, click Accounts Payable, and then click Purchase Orders.
  2. Verify the Transaction Type is Purchase Order.
  3. Type or select the Warehouse responsible for the Purchase Order. This field is required even if you are not purchasing products into the inventory system.
  4. Enter the original date of issue for the Purchase Order.
  5. Select the desired Status for the current state of the Purchase Order record. Your choices are:
    • Open
    • Not Approved
    • Approved
    • Ordered
    • Received / Closed
    • Note:   Use Received / Closed once the item has been received. This does not effect Quantity on Hand. You must receive these items using the Inventory Received screen in order to update Quantity on Hand.

    • Closed / Not Shipped
  6. Select a Type from the Type list.
  7. Type or select the Requested By name, if applicable.
  8. Type or select the Approved By name, if applicable.
  9. Enter the Approved Date, as applicable.
  10. Leave the PO Number field blank; it will automatically be assigned by the system. If you entered a Starting Purchase Order Number in AP Defaults, the system searches for the next available number, in increments of 1, and assigns it to the PO or Drop Shipment record.
  11. In the Request Print Status list, click Print or Don’t Print.
  12. In the Purchase Order Print Status list, click Print or Don’t Print.
  13. Type the Vendor Number in the Number field, or use the Find Feature to locate the Vendor Number, and then press Tab.
  14. Verify the Vendor Information. The system selects the Link check box by default, which defaults the information from the Vendor Master File. If you do not want to use the information in the Vendor Master File, clear this check box.
  15. Click the Job tab.
  16. Type the Job Number in the Number field, or use the Find Feature to locate the Job Number, and then press Tab.
  17. Verify the Job Information. The system selects the Link check box by default, which defaults the information from the Job Master File. If you do not want to use the information in the Job Master File, clear this check box.
  18. Click the Details tab.
  19. Under the Details grid, click the Add New button to begin adding items to include on the Purchase Order.
  20. Type the Item Number, or use the Find Feature to locate the Item Number, and then press Tab. If the Item has Vendor Pricing in the Item Master File, the Price field will populate. If you are not purchasing an item that is already set up in the Inventory Master File leave this field blank and type in the Item Descriptions manually.
  21. Type the Quantity you want to order, and then press Tab. If the Item had Vendor Pricing the system calculates the Extension amount.
  22. If the Item did not have Vendor Pricing, then enter the Price. The extension automatically calculates.
  23. Verify the Unit of Measure for this Item.
  24. Ensure the Extension displays correctly.
  25. Select the Taxable check box if the Item is taxable by the Vendor.
  26. Select the Status of the Item. Status options are:
    • Open
    • Not Approved
    • Approved
    • Ordered
    • Received /Closed
    • Note:  This does not effect Quantity on Hand. You must receive these items using the Inventory Received screen in order to update Quantity on Hand.

    • Closed / Not Shipped
  27. Click the Other tab.
  28. Enter the GL Number and Job Number for the system to post the Purchase Order information to. You are not required to enter the GL Distribution information.
  29. Select the P.O. Message.
  30. Save and Close the record.